Second visit to this lovely young lady. I was very happy to score another booking while she's not touring.
After Heer let me in we chatted for a bit and had a few laughs to reaquaint ourselves. She's fun to talk to. Then she took me to the bedroom where I reaquainted myself with her naked body She is a good kisser. I so love the kissing! And those sexy bedroom eyes and awesome breasts made me all hot and bothered. I soon wanted a taste of all the good stuff so she lay back while I...
She mixed a little bit of ahh ahh
with a little bit of ahh ahh...
She is hot and tight and yum!
I think Heer will like this video
As it was my second visit I also wanted to experience a little bit of deep and meaningful time. For the next half of the booking I let her know what was on my mind. We had talked about it earlier, so things were a bit more intense.
I had brought along my realistic strap-on with balls this time which I only let girls wear if I'm really digging the session. So on with the leather harness. Heer looked very sexy standing there all naked and ready with wood for me and I couldn't wait to roll the condom on...
A little bit of lube on the tip and then it was all legs and arms and tongues everywhere, holding her body close to mine. Mmmmm lots more kissing which really does it for me and then she took it nice and slow and careful. And grooved me good, talking sexy sweet nothings in my ear. Ahhhh
Enjoyed a lovely cuddle after and some hand holding like you do. There are moments when you wish time would stop for a while. But alas I reluctantly had to get my a into g and head for the shower.
Thanks darling for taking me back to the ghost of girlfriends past for a little taste of heaven.