A few days ago I posted a PREview of my visit to Heer but there was one thing I couldn't have foreseen: I fell in love with her! She bubbles over with life and energy, her eyes are dark, mysterious pools I could happily drown in...etc etc
Oops, nearly forgot to mention her lovely slim figure and those boobs!!! OMG I've never seen such a magnificent pair. Even though my years are somewhat advanced I'm sure that if I've ever seen better I'd remember them. They'd be so difficult to keep your eyes and hands off I didn't even try.
I know it's all been said before but Heer's such a lovely, friendly, warm person that you feel you've just met up with an old friend - or maybe a soulmate.
I even got a cup of tea afterwards and a gorgeous nude Indian goddess to share it with! That's a lifetime first for me. It was during this part of the proceedings that I began to suspect I'd gone to the Heerafter.
If you've been considering a visit, just do it! The P/North motel is discreet and there's very easy parking.
Would I see her again? Sure would!