well latheredIndian Jewel HeerNov 25, 20201 min readUpdated: Nov 25, 2020To shower with Heer and Amber is an experience I wish to repeat, I will let your imagination fill those details in, needless to say I was well lathered, and loved their choice of body wash.amma29/05/2015Review 79
To shower with Heer and Amber is an experience I wish to repeat, I will let your imagination fill those details in, needless to say I was well lathered, and loved their choice of body wash.amma29/05/2015Review 79
Heer...Even better second time aroundBack in August I seen Heer was coming back down my way and based on my first interaction being so good, surely it would be better second...
Heer delivers some good kamaSo I was cruising through the available ladies yesterday looking for a massage (as you do), when I noticed Heer was due in town. Now its...